Love is a Strange Place: Neil MacPherson
Love is a Strange Place
Shortly after the the first lockdown at a time when we were allowed to venture out tentatively, I had it in my mind to go on a studio visit to see Neil MacPherson and hopefully collect a couple of paintings that might freshen up the work in the gallery, on the lead up to to the festive period.
Neil was welcoming as always but nonetheless apprehensive about the visit, understandable as himself and his family had been rigorously adhering to the rules of lockdown.
What greeted me as I entered the studio was the most delightful surprise, an Aladdin's cave of painted treasures. Clearly he had immersed himself into his painting during the lockdown period. A rich body of work hung all around the studio and clearly the opportunity for a one man show presented itself. Day to day his working process had remained very much the same. Far from being overwhelmed by the turmoil that had engulfed the lives of us all around the world. A time when we were forced to endure long periods of isolation and uncertainties, amid fears for ourselves and our loved ones. Neil ever the artist chose to embrace rather than shy away from all of those emotions and somehow challenge himself to speak honestly and freely about the influence it has had on himself and his work.
It is a rare mature talent that is on show here, a distinctive voice perhaps less sure of the outcomes that has surprised us and perhaps himself once again.
Neil MacPherson is a wonderfully inventive painter with a superb use of colour. His paintings revolve around a beautiful narrative that draws in the viewer curious to discover more about this surreal, poetic world that he creates /inhabits.
Its always a pleasure to introduce Neils work to people for the first time. Although he is a regular to be found in the gallery, it's a rare treat to be able to bring together his work for a one man show.
Gordon Brown, Brown's Gallery
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWWith The Morning LightSold
Neil MacPherson, To Sleep to Dream
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWA Man in Search of True Love£ 7,000.00
Neil MacPherson, Autumn
Neil MacPherson, Encore
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWI Can See The Promised Land£ 6,500.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWLet The Good Lord Hear You Shout£ 1,500.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWLight of Dawn£ 8,700.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWLord of the Dance£ 2,400.00
Neil MacPherson, Macbeth
Neil MacPherson, Sharing the Same Path
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWSummer in the West£ 6,800.00
Neil MacPherson, Te Orange Book
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Apostle of the North and Even the Animal s Listen£ 6,500.00
Neil MacPherson, The Coffee Table
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Confrontation£ 6,800.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Cowboy and the Crocodile£ 6,600.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Good Listener£ 4,800.00
Neil MacPherson, The Great Highland Pig
Neil MacPherson, The Great Hunter
Neil MacPherson, The Happy Crocodile
Neil MacPherson, The Joy of Sorrow, The Voyage, 2019
Neil MacPherson, The Last Dance
Neil MacPherson, The Man, the Champion and the Companion
Neil MacPherson, The Morning Bride
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Night Belongs to Us£ 6,500.00
Neil MacPherson, The Poets
Neil MacPherson, The Quiet Hillside
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Quiet Theatre£ 7,500.00
Neil MacPherson, The Sisters
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Voyage£ 2,400.00
Neil MacPherson, The Way of the Righteous
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWThe Way of the Righteous, Study£ 2,500.00
Neil MacPherson RSA RGI RSWTwo Small Countries, Study£ 4,600.00